
    contact us

    Thank you for visiting the website of Sabz Afarin Arta Javid Company, if you have any questions, suggestions or criticisms, you can contact us through the following communication methods:

    The address of Central office

    Shiraz, Forsat Square, Shirazi Boulevard, Parvin Etesami Boulevard, corner of Sahravardi Street, No. 106, Floor 3

    Tehran office address

    Tehran, Shahran, Shahran Second Square, First Street, Lida Commercial Complex, West Block, Floor 5, Unit 18 .
    Phone: (+98)2144322179 - (+98)2144301490

    Kermanshah office address

    Kermanshah, Khayyam Street, 12-meter Second Alley, Shahid Chadar Bersa Alley (formerly Zaji), No. 44 .
    Phone: (+98)8337255982

    Communication with experts

    Contact number: (+98)8645283903
    Email address: info@artagro.ir

    working hours

    Saturday - Wednesday: from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
    Thursday: from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm