Albedo breakdown refers to the separation of the mesocarp or albedo (white inner skin layer) from the exocarp or flavodo (outer skin) in citrus fruits, which leads to the formation of wrinkles in the skin and sometimes cracks. Good nutrition with calcium is very important to reduce albedo tissue breakdown. Also, balanced nutrition and proper irrigation are very important to reduce the occurrence of this complication. In susceptible areas, it may be necessary to grow thicker pods commercially to obtain an economic yield. Moisture stress can also significantly increase the occurrence and intensity of albedo. Therefore, controlling the levels of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and irrigation are methods that can be effective in reducing the occurrence of albedo.

Unbalanced nutrition and lack of nutrient balance can cause albedo in citrus fruits. High levels of phosphorus cause thinning of the skin of the fruit and increase the occurrence of albedo, while high levels of nitrogen and potassium cause the thickening of the skin of the fruit and contribute to the reduction of damage. In areas prone to albedo occurrence, thicker hulls may be required to obtain an economic yield. Moisture stress can also cause the occurrence and severity of albedo in citrus fruits, so maintaining soil moisture and proper irrigation can be effective in reducing the occurrence of this condition.

Albedo control solution

Albedo control in citrus fruits using calcium nitrate foliar spraying can be effective. However, it should be noted that not using boron element in garden food programs can reduce calcium absorption and lead to albedo decomposition and post-harvest decay. Research shows that calcium foliar spraying is very effective and in field trials, only 13% of fruits sprayed with calcium nitrate showed signs of albedo, while in the control group 35% of fruits showed this damage.

Also, it should be noted that albedo is not a viral disease of psorosis and these two issues are not related. To learn more about albedo, you can use the term “albedo breakdown” and search for reliable sources.

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