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The highest quality experience in the country
Producer of all kinds of chemical fertilizers
Sabzafarin Artajavid company, with a detailed understanding of the limiting factors of production and by using the knowledge of plant nutrition physiology and chemistry, tries to meet the nutritional needs of plants and reduce environmental tensions by producing new fertilizers. Sabzafarin Artajavid Company proudly announces that its products are of superior quality and can compete with products produced in foreign countries. The goal of this company is to produce quality fertilizers at a reasonable price to produce healthy products
- Competitive advantage of our products:
- High quality products
- Sustainability and environmental health
- The price is right
The country's top importer
Import and distribution of fertilizers
Sabzafarin Artajavid company, by using the expertise and experience of its experts in the field of plant fertilizers, has been able to cooperate with the best European producers and optimize the fertilizer materials based on the needs of the country. By establishing a scientific and research relationship with the research departments of reputable European manufacturers, this company has been able to import and provide the best fertilizers in the country. These efforts have led to the import and supply of the best imported fertilizers in the country and have reduced the nutritional problems of plants in the country.
- DEEP GREEN and FEPAIR brands
- Authenticity and high quality
- Variety of products
- Reasonable and competitive price

Providing the best solutions for
Increasing productivity and improving the performance of the agricultural sector
Arta Javed Green Company, relying on the technical knowledge and experience of its expert staff, seeks to provide the best solutions to increase productivity and improve the performance of the agricultural sector. This company tries to provide quality services and improve the performance of the agricultural sector with the ever-increasing developments in the field of agricultural technologies and understanding the needs of the market.
- Affordable services
- Reducing agricultural risks
- Redundancy reduction
- Discover hidden resources
- Increasing productivity and yield of products

Agricultural technical and consulting services
Artajavid's well-equipped herbal medicine clinic
Arta Javed Green Company has started its activity with the official license from the Agricultural Jihad Organization and the Agricultural Engineering and Natural Resources Organization, with the aim of serving farmers, gardeners, greenhouse owners and applicants in the contracting departments of the Agricultural Jihad Organization's projects. The company's experienced and expert staff, focusing on providing supervision, training, consulting, plant medicine and providing inputs such as fertilizers, poisons, seeds and agricultural tools, relying on the high management power, financial support and the employment of expert staff and faculty with Experience is rapidly expanding its field of activity.
- Experienced and expert staff
- Providing monitoring, training, consulting, herbal medicine services
- Providing inputs such as fertilizers, poisons, seedlings and agricultural tools

Equipped laboratory with expert team
Providing agricultural soil testing services
Currently, it is very necessary and vital for farmers and gardeners to refer to the agricultural soil laboratory in most cities of the country to test their garden soil or agricultural land. In order to provide these services, Arta Javed Green Company provides soil laboratory services with an official license from the Agricultural Jihad Organization, using an experienced and expert team.
- Knowing the type of farm soil, garden or agricultural land
- Choosing the right plants for planting and growing in the ground
- Knowing the deficiencies and strengths of the soil
- Estimating the need to use chemical fertilizers
- Saving costs
- The least amount of damage to soil texture and environment

our services
Experience the best service
Providing supervisory and consulting services
Using a team of experts specializing in various fields of agriculture
Providing agricultural inputs
Excellent quality and reasonable price to increase productivity and reduce production costs
Providing herbal medicine services
Using new methods and using a team of experienced and specialized experts
successful and
Sustainable growth
Arta Javed Green Company has achieved significant success with continuous efforts and follow-ups in the field of providing high quality agricultural services and using an expert and experienced team, and has experienced sustainable growth in recent years. This growth is the result of the company's continuous efforts in providing high quality services, providing quality inputs and using advanced technologies in providing services to customers.
Hiring process 48%
employee relations 79%
Compliance audits 65%
Tests done 85%
Expert advice 95%

List some
our customers
Arta Javed Green Company has been able to improve the productivity of farmers and gardeners by providing quality services and help the growth and development of this industry by providing effective solutions in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry. Also, the satisfaction of customers and colleagues, as an important measure, shows the real quality of our company's services.